Friday, 3 April 2009

Left Hemisphere of the Blogosphere ----FAIL----

Reading the Economist while taking a lunchtime constitutional I came across a nice bit on how much of a joke the Labour/Leftie web presence is. Now being an astute media type I knew all about this but they hit upon a very good point.

Labour list could actually be a power for good instead of evil.
No I didn't push to hard and pass-out, just think about what I am saying.

This government is in the shit and is away with the fairies, Guido can keep kicking and well he should but nothing can hurt more than a blow from your own side.
Unfortunately LL are chicken shit with a fraud at the helm who are to scared of having access or funding pulled from the powers that be. 

Just one Brown unfriendly article prove you are worth the bandwidth! At least conservative home et al are not afraid to hold the party to account when they fuck up, which demonstrates why we are miles ahead in online presence, 

if LL don't they will never catch us,  which probably would be a bad thing. 

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