Tuesday, 21 April 2009

What the fuck is wrong with the Government, Dead Tree and the Beeb

After being made redundant on Friday I am having far more time to keep up to date with the dead tree and the Beebs rolling news channel. SCORE!!

Anyway, what on earth gives the BBC and the dead tree the right to castrate the Police over 90 complaints during the G20 riots. 
A woman got pimp slapped then a baton to the leg because she was abusive to a member of the Police Force  (it should never be called service), I understand from my sources in the Met that she was told 3 times to move back(admittedly not by the officer who hit her) and now she is being represented by the vile PR Twerp Max Clifford.

The Police are strangled by bureaucracy and legislation that defies common sense, it seams that the needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many, anarchists, anti Israeli protesters and all the other fuckwits that protested at the G20 in a violent fashion surely should reallise that behavior like that must never be acceptable.

With the Beeb pandering and giving are time to this dumb bitch who is all 'Establishment bad, Police bad, Jew's bad, Stock Markets bad and Range Rovers being the luxary 4x4 of Satan' it just legitimises emasculating the Police and people like her will not stop until they are wearing the Police Force's balls as earings.  

Friday, 3 April 2009

Left Hemisphere of the Blogosphere ----FAIL----

Reading the Economist while taking a lunchtime constitutional I came across a nice bit on how much of a joke the Labour/Leftie web presence is. Now being an astute media type I knew all about this but they hit upon a very good point.

Labour list could actually be a power for good instead of evil.
No I didn't push to hard and pass-out, just think about what I am saying.

This government is in the shit and is away with the fairies, Guido can keep kicking and well he should but nothing can hurt more than a blow from your own side.
Unfortunately LL are chicken shit with a fraud at the helm who are to scared of having access or funding pulled from the powers that be. 

Just one Brown unfriendly article prove you are worth the bandwidth! At least conservative home et al are not afraid to hold the party to account when they fuck up, which demonstrates why we are miles ahead in online presence, 

if LL don't they will never catch us,  which probably would be a bad thing. 

Thursday, 2 April 2009


Welcome to the McLovin Blog.

What you will see here will probably be the ramblings of a semi Northern chap now living on the edge of the political sphere with an underactive imagination (check the name).
The blog will mainly be politics based put if I find something funny or something is really winding me up then it'll probably get a post.
